Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, July 18, 2008

delusions of grandeur. what a pompous phrase.

found out via i.m.
a few days ago

talk about delusions of grandeur

after all HE dumped ME
9 years and 7 1/2 months ago

i dreamed last night that she has

bad skin, frizzy hair

and frumpy clothes like
Cliff's one-time fiance on Cheers

Part of me believes the engagement happened
because his clock is screaming for kids


He must love her.

These past years, I enjoyed showing him
I'm married
I have a daughter
Now a son
The handful of times we saw each other

I caught him watching us once,
and in my mind he was thinking
he wished he was in Tomek's place

I wanted him to see us, the young happy family
of the girl he dumped
and feel


Ophelia Mourne said...

I can hear music behind this.

Anonymous said...

thanks! I'm finding it really helpful to write like this when I have all this messy complicated stuff pinging around in my head. I write simply about it, and it seems to simplify in my head a bit. Even if temporarily.

Anonymous said...

Temporary relief is always welcome in my head. :)

desdemona said...

love it! and maybe he does have a bit of regret. remember how you feel and that you can love more than one person at a time.
i hope he is happy and i hope you are, too.