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Thursday, July 17, 2008

my head is full

I need to find every way possible to make a little more money, save a lot, and spend as little as possible.

We just got a letter from our strata mgmt company that, pending a vote, in three weeks we will owe over 3 grand to pay for roof repairs. Granted, the roof repairs are on our side of the building. But still... three weeks?

More complaint letters to be written.


Phil Plasma said...

Try to sell what you can, use freecycle to get rid of what doesn't sell.

For cost cutting, read 'Your Money or your Life' by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin, it helped us quite a bit.

Since you are at home already, offer babysitting services to anyone you meet at the park.

See if you can get some more tutoring jobs, I think you mentioned you've done tutoring in the past.

Good luck!

Mella said...

I've been rocking Craigslist myself (not for selling things, but looking for part time gigs)...I just wanted to offer my frustration on your behalf for the roof bill.

How can they expect you to come up with $3,000 in three weeks??? (Or at don't own the building, right? It's not a condo type situation...)

Anonymous said...

Phil--thanks for the book title! I'll definitely see if the library has it. I'm getting ready now to put up some ads on craigslist. babysitting... eehhh... and I'm kind of done with tutoring too, although now that i've had a break from it maybe i could go back. i just didn't get satisfactory results last time...

mella: we do own our apartment/condo. it's a 3 story wood building so i can't really call it a condo. :) craigslist for work is an awesome idea!!! thanks for the idea. :)

Anonymous said...

Stupid building maintenance. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Other than the $3000 buidling bill, I'm kind of in the same situation. I've already had 2 job interviews and even though I really REALLY don't want to go back to work now (she is only 14 weeks after all) we also really need the extra income. Stupid expensive city. You should read Your Money or Your Life - it's a great book.

*melanie from