Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 18, 2008

One of those nights

11 p.m.: LB is in her bed in her room, Tomek and I are in our bed, LG is in his crib. All are sleeping.

6:00 a.m.: I am in LB's bed, LB is in our bed, Tomek is on the couch in the living room, and LG is in his little blue chair, also in the living room. Only 2 are sleeping.


desdemona said...

awful. i HATE those nights. bub has been good here for the most part, but lastnight was in our bed with both of us and nobody sleeping...

i don't know how you do it with two, phx. kudos to you. and kisses, too.

btw, i really like your haiku below. i hope you still write poetry sometimes.

Anonymous said...

aww, thanks. :) i haven't written poetry in a long time... but what i have written is up at

Anonymous said...

Yikes. Hope you guys get some good sleep soon.

ghost said...

i know those nights. i cant say that those nights are friends but we are well acquainted.

Phil Plasma said...

It will get better, I promise!