Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I was right. I hate being right.

Especially when it means my little boy DOES have an umbilical hernia. It might heal itself by the time he turns 2, however, and I hope it does. If not, there's a procedure that'll need to be done to fix it. And turns out the red splotch on his left eyelid is a stork bite (birthmark) which may or may not get bigger.


Today is the day I go to the cemetery and hunt down my grandparents' graves. Perfect activity for a sunny day, eh?

By the way, Robynn's second daughter is arriving on Monday via c-section. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Lukasz. Poor thing! Can they recommend anything for him in the mean time?

Thank you for the well wishes!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the hernia will resolve. My kid had a stork bite got paler and paler...and can barely be seen now. Hang in there!

Phil Plasma said...

My son had surgery to correct an umbilical hernia when he was two or three years old. He doesn't remember it now.

ghost said...

is the hernia painful?

ive never heard of a birthmark called a stork bite.