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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why hate faith?

When I see how much comfort those parents get from believing their 2-week-old daughter is home with God when they had to let her because her heart was pumping blood back into itself, it makes me wonder why so many of my generation are on such religion-bashing trips. I may not believe in a God who decides things for us, but who are we to trash or belittle their beliefs when they aren't harming me in any way, and in fact believing what they believe is a far better way for them to cope than say... popping anti-depressants for the rest of their lives?

I don't understand when it became so taboo and narrow-minded and bigoted to speak out against homosexuality, yet belittling, negating and plain old making fun of others' religions, upbringings and in some cases ways of life is perfectly acceptable. Not only that, it's now funny, too!

Sometimes my generation really makes me sick.


Phil Plasma said...

Where I am there are those of us who practice faith quietly, but as I am getting to know more people better I am learning that most of us are just such people. Fortunately for me, here, there is a lot of acceptance of all different sorts of faiths.

ghost said...

i say if youre gonna bash my religion and my God, so be it. that's between you and Him. but dont you dare turn around and get pissed when i mock you. fuck politically correct. i believe in calling a spade a spade.

Anonymous said...

Phil: I think you made a good point--perhaps it's easier to be more accepting of other faiths if they are practiced quietly. But religions are constantly wanting to spread their messages... I wonder if there is a religion that practices quietly. Buddhism perhaps?

Ghost: Do you mean you'd mock others' religions because they are bashing yours, or you'd mock them for mocking yours?

kat said...


I like where this train of thought is going.

Perhaps it should go underground?

Anonymous said...

Good idea Kat. :)