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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

When I get really angry, I get violent. It doesn't happen too often, but when I feel that rage boiling up inside me, I have to take it out on something. And then I usually end up breaking something and/or hurting myself.

Tonight I went for a walk instead. Meh.


Phil Plasma said...

Well, I'm glad you didn't end up breaking something or hurting yourself or someone else.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Yeah. I never spaz out in a way that would hurt my kids, so you know. Usually I take it all out on a garbage can, or the recycling, or the laundry.

Anonymous said...

I just scream and yell, a lot. Although I have been known to tear a shirt or pants at times...usually they already have a hole started and I just finish it off.

Good for you for going for a walk. :)