Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


And I swore there'd be no photo of me in a bathing suit...

I cropped (my thiewghs) and edited this photo using picnik and I have to say there are 2 really awesome features about it that I've never noticed in other free photo editing sites.

1. the zit-zapper tool. Totally deletes those blasted blems. I used that with wild abandon on this photo.

2. The option to save the photo in it's original proportions after cropping. The program then adjusts the cropping slightly... and you have a wonderfully cropped and easily-printed-without-distortion photo! :)


Phil Plasma said...

Thanks for letting me know about picnik, I'll be checking it out.

BTW, I've been meaning to tell you that you are very photogenic and your kids are cute!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! That sounds like a really neat program.

meshie said...

so lovely! :)