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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Is vomituous a word?

If it isn't, it should be. It's the perfect word to summarize last night.

LB has had a cough for the past few days. I'm hesitant to take her to the doctor because they'd probably just give her a cough suppressant. But after last night, maybe that would be a good idea. Her cough isn't bad during the day, and she runs around and plays and yells and coughs a bit, but no gagging. That comes at night. Coughing, gagging on phlegm, then the puking.

We put her to sleep in our bed to keep an eye on her, and to do damage control if she started puking. She fell asleep and we thought we could to. Then, the coughing started. We sat her up to help try to clear things out for her... no luck. And we didn't get her out of the bed fast enough. Tom took her to the change table to clean her up, and she continued to cough and then a LOT came up, all over Tom. And then MORE, all over the change table, Tom, and the carpet.

Tom looked at me, and I looked at him, dripping puke... and I started to gag. Normally I don't have a bad gag reflex when my kids are throwing up, but this time, it was stomach acid and apple and I couldn't deal with it. The room stank. So Tom was left to get in the bath with LB and clean her and himself off. I moved a sleeping LG into her room, into his old cradle which is awaiting pick-up by friends of ours. He kept sleeping. I stripped off the bottom sheet on the bed and used the top sheet as a bottom sheet. Then when LB was out of the bath, I sat her down in front of the tv in her towel on the couch to see if she'd cough up more. She didn't, but she did pee on the couch before I could get a diaper on her. She seemed all right, so I laid down with her in her bed, and she fell asleep. I waited a few minutes, but all seemed well. So I moved a still sleeping LG back to his crib and crawled into our bed. 5 minutes later, more coughing. I ran to her room, sat her up, and she spat up again, on her bed. I handed her off to Tom again and stripped the bed.

.... I can't really remember what happened after that. It was 2:30 am. Eventually she fell asleep and woke up at 8:00, ready for her day. I woke up sick, having finally caught the bug that has been plaguing Tom and LB for the past few days.

So I feel ya, ghost, on the whole puke-o-rama ordeal.


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what to say except I hope you guys get over this stuff quick.

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys start feeling better soon.

Sounds like Lily's got the same thing Elayne had a few months back. She would gag when coughing and throw up, as well, only at night. It took about a week and several wash loads of bed linens before it cleared up.

Yuck. I feel for you. There's nothing worse than having sick kids.

Phil Plasma said...

fun fun fun! What fun we have with wee children! I hope you all get healthy soon...