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Friday, June 27, 2008

go go go

Yesterday I spent all day cleaning the apartment for the arrival of the in-laws. It looked like a tornado went through here with all of us being sick. I mean, who cleans when they are sick? Ok, so I did yesterday, but I think it did me a lot of good, because I feel almost fine today.

Today I'm packing because we are driving to my parents' place tonight! Yay! Away from the sickies, I hope. Last night I couldn't sleep, and then around 1 a.m. after I'd been thoroughly ravaged and was starting to drift off, LB started coughing. I went to her bed and laid down with her, ready to sit her up if she started gagging. And gag she did. So I carried her out to the kitchen. Puke all you want on the linoleum! But of course, she didn't. She wanted down. Demanded "DOWN!" and ran back to her room, climbed into her bed, and face planted.

Poor kid.

She started coughing again, so I picked her up again and brought her out to the couch, where I sat down and held her in my lap, so she flaked in a sitting position at least. I waited till a while went by and she hadn't coughed, then laid her down in our bed. She said "NO!" and fell asleep again.

That was around 2 a.m. Then at 7 a.m. both of our cell phone alarms went off signaling it's time for Tom to get up for work. Of course, that woke Lily up and she would not go back to sleep.


So I got up and actually got them out to the park for an hour and a half. When we got back, Lily went to her room, crawled into bed, tucked the blanket up around herself and fell asleep.


I hope the heat and dryness of the interior fry all the bugs we seem to be living amidst.

Oooh and my parents live by a lake, and it's supposed to be HOT, so beach time here I come!! Don't count on seeing any pics of me in a bathing suit tho. Ha.

I'm excited to see my bro and hope the weekend will contain lots of footbagging and badminton and swimming and photography. :)


Phil Plasma said...

How do you follow the sentence 'don't count on seeing any pics of me in a bathing suit' with hoping the weekend contains a lot of swimming and photography?

Glad the family is on the rebound, have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

"go, go, go" indeed. Have a great time!