Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Contrast II

inspired by Mella


Phil Plasma said...

Cool photo...

Mella said...

Love it!

I'm such a sucker for focal bw pictures.

Thanks for the note, by the way. I'll be around again soon. Maybe even today, who knows.

Anonymous said...

I love these!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE that. Purple is one of my favorite colors and that is such a cute picture.


ghost said...

is that l.b.?

Anonymous said...

Mella-thanks! I was fiddling with other photo editing stuff, and then I remembered you mentioning picasa so I downloaded it and then I went to your flickr to see how you did that photo of Lila and voila! :)

Ghost: Yep. I wish her face wasn't totally hidden, but oh well.