Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My hemo-whatsit is up

I REALLY need to get a clue about what exactly is going on inside me... the doctor told me today that I'm one of the few patients he's ever seen whose hemoglobin has gone UP. It was normal, and apparently that it's gone up is all right.

He was also considering sending me for an ultrasound because the baby seemed small, but then he re-measured with the tape measure going diagonally across my belly because the baby was "way over there" and then he said "oh you're fine".

So everything's fine and from here on out I go to the doctor every 2 weeks for a check-up.

And I slept well last night too... I think the sound of Tomek in the shower puts me to sleep. I was actually asleep before midnight. Imagine that!

And I received a very cool something in the mail from a certain awesome Texan... but that will have to wait till I am at home and with camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

call it a happy birthday gift for the little phx. or a house warming gift. or whatever. hope you guys like it.