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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Wouldn't you love to work here?

It's lunch time, and a free-for-all wine tasting in the kitchen.

Glug glug.


shenry said...

So I know you're not glug-glugging. But you did sip-sip a little, right?

And, yes, I do wish my job had wine tastings. We actually have a rule where if you drink any alcohol at all --if a tiny sip-- you have to take leave for the rest of the day. How lame.

Krista said...

I did have one sip of a rose... the packaging was too cute to pass up. Totally a summer wine for those who know nothing about wine--I was sold!

But you should have seen one of my coworkers chugging it back. Holy crap. She took about a quarter of a glass of each kind (there were 6) and didn't just sip and spit as you are supposed to (if you are truly doing a wine "tasting" ya know), she glugged.

shenry said...

She was knocking them back like an allstar.