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Monday, May 15, 2006

and up again, boing boing

You'd THINK I'd be exhausted. Drained. Beat. Done. Cooked. I haven't been getting to sleep before 1:30 or 2 in the morning for the past while, and on the weekdays my alarm goes off at 6:30. I stagger into work and snooze/work behind a computer monitor all day, and then when I get out of work and walk in the door at home, I'm ready to go. I'm moving around, and feeling like I want to accomplish all the things I couldn't do while I was at work doing boring useless stuff. I want to accomplish things like make a dinner, do the laundry, pick up a lunch box/cooler for Tomek to take cold lunches on the construction sites, buy more shavings for the gp's cage, make a casserole, make lunches, repot our plant because the soil is infested with little flying bugs (ew), finish designing and order our wedding thank you cards, etc. I got home, and made dinner, threw the laundry in, then we picked up more shavings, drove to Tomek's bank and he deposited his cheque (I just calculated that he is making $8 more per hour than I am... I suck), went to Zellers to see if they had the lunch box I wanted, they didn't. Came back home, threw more laundry in, finalized the thank you cards, showered, now I'm probably going to do dishes and start on lunches and go out and get groceries. Tomek got the same 5 hours of sleep I did last night because one of his ears is hurting, so he's pretty much been passed out on the futon except for eating dinner and running those errands with me. Poor guy.

Speaking of dinner, this is the easiest dinner ever, and while I'm sure there is a recipe for it somewhere, in my world Tomek and I made it up. It's versatile too, you can either make it as a wrap or as a kind of salad.

So one night I was kind of craving taco salad, but the idea of browning ground beef and all that just reeked of effort. So we decided to use CHILI instead. Just make enough rice for however many people, then heat some canned chili that you know tastes good, grate some cheese, shred some lettue, cut up some tomatoes, onions or whatever other veggie you'd like in a taco, and mix. For a wrap, I just put the rice first, then the chili, then the cheese (so it melts), then the veggies. Or I just throw it all in a bowl without the wrap and make a "taco" salad. It's good, even though the chili I picked up had this funky fluorescent orange hue to it...

Anyway, I'm so tired during the day and now I'm just like go go GO GO GO GOGOGOGOGOGO it's freaking nuts.

Sigh. And I've been walking around in my underwear because it's muggy (reminds me of Toronto, ugh) and so hot in our apartment.

Oh yeah, and I want to call another realtor and find the cd with all our wedding pics on it so I can start picking out the pics to put in albums to then send to my grandparents and my godparents and my parents. I wonder where that got to...

And, you know who is a brilliant children's author, who I'd almost forgotten about? Robert Munsch. I read an article about him in the paper today, and I found out that his story Love you Forever originally started out in his head as a song that he sang to/about the two stillborn children he and his wife had over the course of a decade. I mean, this guy spends his life writing for and reading stories to children... yet, his own two children...

I want to buy all of his books. You should check out his site, I'm sure you'd recognize a lot of them.


Anonymous said...

i love how you bounce from one topic to another. it makes me smile.

Madamme said...

My favourite Munsch book is "The Paperbag Princess". I bought it for my daughter YEARS ago. I think just after Rally and I started dating (so long before Elayne was even thought of). I liked the message, and I liked how the heroine was a strong character.

moi said...

I saw a documentary on robert munch and he explained about the 'love you forever' story. he was crying while talking about everything... did you know he's horribly manic? he said he ususally writes when he's down.

I weep like a baby whenever I read this book. it's such a beautiful story.

I think I have almost all of his books... he's a canadian legend in my mind.

Mindy said...

"Love You Forever" makes me cry. I think that is the only one I am familiar with. I only know it because a friend of mine bought it for her niece.

LOL at the glowing orange chili. Canned chili is NOT one of my things but the Pear loves it. Your taco salad/wrap does sound good though.