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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, May 12, 2006

Every time I look at our picture, every time I think of him leaving tonight, I start crying. What the hell is wrong with me?


Anonymous said...

hey girl. i know youre in a bad bad spot just now, but you gotta try to let it go. its your hormones, plain and simple. youre preggers and alll your chemicals are outta sorts, you know. thats all it is. just ride it out and youll be back on top of things again soon. and if you need to vent or talk, well, you know where i am.

Mindy said...

I hope this passes soon. Hugs to you.

Krista said...

thanks you two... i'm feeling better now, and tomek did stay with me both nights and most of both weekend days. its been pretty emotionally exhausting though. for once i think i'm glad to get back into the routine of a work week. ugh.