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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Prelude to "The Wedding" post

I'm here. I've slowly floated down from my blissful high (to use moi's words). The day was stormy, windy and wonderful. It went by in a blur. The ceremony was amazing, the church was cozy, beautiful and packed with people.

Now I'm back to the reality that is work... and way behind. But it was so worth it. The full story and pics will come soon.

Thanks so much for all the good wishes and congratulations. And thanks for the song, Shenry!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Phx is back!!! Congrats!!!

tmfrt said...


And the best is yet to come. =)

shenry said...

Fish tacos + Fleetwood Mac = Thinking about you and Tomek on your wedding day.

Individually, you guys rock. Together, you guys rock AND roll.

Starling said...

:) i'll bet it was beautiful! congrats hon!

Anonymous said...

proud of you lil sis.

Mindy said...

So happy for you! Can't wait to see pics!!