Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Since we are having the wedding here, and not down South, not many of my parents' friends were able to come. Now, it looks like 4 of the 6 that were going to come from Toronto aren't going to come, after they said they would. And they haven't even returned my mom's calls to say they can't come. It's like they are just hiding away somewhere. And the 2 from down South had something come up and now they can't come either.

So now there are 2 people from Toronto and 1 from here (my mom's 2nd cousin) that will be there that my parents will know. And that makes me a bit sad. If we'd gotten married down South, the numbers would be more balanced, but now it's 3 for my parents, a bunch of young folk that Tom's been friends with for a long time and that I've grown to know, and the rest will be Tom's parent's friends.

I didn't realize the numbers had gotten so skewed. *sniff*


Anonymous said...

its about you and tom anyway, phx. no one else. just the two of you. and the bean.

Mindy said...

This has always been my concern with having a wedding. I have such a small family, I'm afraid my side would be skimpy especially since the Pear has such a huge family. But as ghost says, it's about you guys anyway!

Phil Plasma said...

Place more importance on having fun, the balance of people isn't particularly significant if you enjoy yourself.

Anonymous said...

you should have seen the lopsided affair at mine and amy's wedding. i think there were three of mine to mayeb 50 of hers.

Starling said...

I wouldn't worry about your mom, she'll just want YOU to be happy after all.