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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bulge update

I know I know... no wedding pics yet?! My brother must be swamped to have not gotten any to me yet. But I do have pics from the rehearsal. Those of course aren't as interesting, so I'm holding off till I have some really good photos in my hot little hands.

Yesterday I had to get blood drawn for tests to see if the baby has any mental disabilities. I'm not too bad with needles, but when I saw the handful of tubes she plunked down on the tray, I teared up. I think it was that, combined with the thought that this is it. After this, we'll know for sure if something is wrong or not. She took 5 or 6 tubes, which is the most I've had taken at once.

When I finally got to work, I found out that the power was out in a three-block radius because some crane operator had dropped a load of concrete and it hit a transformer, some powerlines and two cars. Ouch. I snoozed at a coworkers place till noon then back to work. Went to bed as soon as I got home. Tonight I'm going maternity pants shopping because I've been wearing the same pants to work for a week now.

And Tomek is working evenings at the jewelery warehouse again (installing alarm and access control, video monitoring all that stuff), so I only see him to say good morning and good night. *Sniff*

But I think I'm going to stay at work a bit late today because different supervisors in different areas all want different things ASAP. And one of them wants 3 different projects done NOW. Guh. But, I do get a kick of how she spells below, bellow. For example: Please see details bellow. Tee hee.

And back to the bulge, it is there. Small, but noticeable. I noticed it last week, but on Tuesday it really popped out and has become uncomfortable to bend over. !

Anywho, work starts in 1 minute.... no time to write anything insightful, even if I could think of anything.

Maybe this weekend.

I will have the pictures by Saturday. Lil bro is swamped with schoolwork till then. Saturday morning I am going to get up early and do nothing but write until at least noon. The writer in me has gone into hibernation and she won't come out. So it's time to use force.

For all of you who don't go on computers on the weekend (lucky!) there will be pics and a post of the wedding (finally) awaiting you here on Monday morning. I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

like my brother is known to say..."you gotta go all nike on it," sis. just do it.