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Monday, January 09, 2006

Must be Monday

My morning sickness/nausea has taken what I hope is a permanent leave of absence. The only foods that still really get to me are broccoli and pizza. I steamed broccoli one too many times in my first few weeks and almost blew my cookies at work. A few days a go I cooked a huge frozen pizza for me and Tom and then when it was done, I got one whiff of it and -- eeeeeeeeeeeew. I couldn't touch it.

Today is a big monthly sales meeting here, so all the sales reps from all over the province are here, and so the receptionist ordered lunch for the entire office plus the reps. It just arrived, and the aroma is filling the office...



Anonymous said...

i think id like it if the things i like to eat like that were suddenly revlting to me. might help me stick to my diet a little better.

actually, my downfall is soda pop.

shenry said...

Stay strong and breathe through your mouth... maybe you won't smell the pizza that way... of course, then you'd be a mouth breather, and there is intrinsically disconcerting about people who suck in air only with their mouth.

Catch-22, I guess.

Krista said...

I got over pop pretty quick once I realized how much it just makes me more thirsty.

shen: yep, catch 22... and guess what? it's wednesday and there is STILL pizza in the kitchen. the secretary puts it out at noon and then people are slowly heating and eating it. this is 3 days straight of pizza hell.

but I grabbed one of the last slices and tonight I'm going to go home and torture it. Pay it back for all the misery it caused me.

bwa hahahha i'm one crayzee preggo.