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Monday, January 09, 2006

How to make a stagette unappealing

Said by a friend of mine who is trying to push for a huge wild stagette party when I don't really feel like having one. I don't have enough close girl friends to warrant one. And if I did, I'd want it to be a quiet affair.
But her definition of a stagette is:

the stagette is when we all get drunk (you can't) and make an ass of ourselves with random men

Now that sounds like something I want to experience. Not.
I'm resisting my own stagette. How lame is that?


Madamme said...

I didn't do the stagette thing. Instead we just did a wedding shower with good food, some parlour games, and good friends. A few people from work came, my family, 2 girls I spend SOME time with here, and my friend Kristy. That was it. And it was nice.

You can tell you friends that watching them get pissed isn't your idea of a great wedding celebration. They can get drunk one night without you there - Pick a weekend - Any weekend. But if they want to do something nice for YOU to celebrate YOUR WEDDING, ask them to do what you want. Whether it be a quiet get-together, or just a few girls going for pizza. Don't let yourself get harangled into watching your friends get drunk. It's NO FUN being the only sober / sane person. Wait until after your baby and then do a stagette, if that's your thing. At least then you can enjoy yourself, too.

Anonymous said...

so the bachelor party consisted of me going home and having a religious discussion with my brother and cousin till the wee hours. thats right. ghost=party animal.