Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hooray for corduroy!

I've been wearing corduroy pants to work a few days. I love corduroy. And right now I'm going for comfortable pants that still fit around the middle and with which I can wear flat shoes. No small task. Plus 2 pairs of my dress pants got this white crap all over them from the washing machine and I think only drycleaning will get it out. Do I have time to go to a drycleaner? Nope.
Anyway, I just made certain that corduroy pants are in fact ok to wear to work. Only jeans aren't. Duh. In fact even the pres sometimes wears corduroy to work!
I love corduroy, and now I can wear it all I want. :)
It's funny.. I have 3 pairs of corduroy pants and Tom has at least that many corduroy jackets/button up shirts. He he. We make a great pair.


Starling said...

I just saw Fun With Dick and Jane and in one scene he's wearing the pajama pants and she's in the matching button-up shirt. Justin turned to me and said, I'm buying us One pair of pajama's, and we're doing that!' lol

You know you got somethin special when you both wear part of the same thing. :D

Anonymous said...

yeah but you shouldnt run or get too physical with tom if youre wearing corduroy. all that friction could cause you to spontaneously combust

Krista said...

Star: Yeah. :D We can totally wear each others clothes. It's kinda funny. I've gone to school in his clothes, and he went to a St. Paddy's day frat party one year wearing a pair of my corduroy pants and one of my t-shirts. lol. He still managed to look straight though. I was impressed.

That's cool that you guys are getting matching jammies! Stuff like that is especially nice in long distance relationships. You can go to bed knowing your other half is wearing the other half. :)

ghost: good point. we can spontaneously combust w/o corduroy quite well though. hehehe