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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Weird things happening in bloggerland

My It must be Monday post got moved to Wednesday (I moved it back), and my Chasing paper tigers post got reposted yesterday.

Moi, Ghost, it's not you. If you scroll down 4 or so posts, you'll see the original entry with your original comments. Of course now your new comments have been deleted because I deleted the repeat post.

In other news, I have sticky eye crusties today. My future mother-in-law came over last night. She was a big help with the invitations, but she has so much energy that she was go-go-go when I was zz-zz-zz (or wanting to) and didn't leave till nearly midnight. We had asked that she only stay till 10-10:30 because we had to get to bed, but she had visitors and didn't arrive till 10. And she lives a fair distance away, so to make it worth her while, we worked on invitations for an hour and a half. And Tom called people in Poland to see if they'd come. It was a productive but exhausting evening.

And that's why I'm sitting here picking the sticky crusties out of my eyes this morning.


moi said...

glad to see things are back to phx greatness.

you have one dedicated mum-in-law! help like that is always a good thing.

Anonymous said...

thas good cause i thought i was having a donnie darko moment.

moi said...

who is donnie darko?

(am so horribly out of touch...)