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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Doesn't get much better than this

A bigger co-worker of mine backs up to my chair and asks me to help zip her pants up--the zipper handle had broken off. So I had to dig my finger inside the back of her pants so I could grasp the zipper nub from both sides and pull it up away from the--well, towards her waist.


shenry said...

Oh, gag! I hope none of my coworkers feel THAT comfortable with me.

Krista said...

ha! You never know... that big guy in the cubicle nearby??? He might just discover his fly "handle" broke off and might have too big a gut to reach over his belly and do up his fly.

Oh shenreeee... can you help me?

Anonymous said...

no joke shen...mine would know better than to ask.

moi said...

ugh. nothing quite like getting intimate with a coworker.
