Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 05, 2006


I'm faring a sheep.

1 1/2 hours to go...

Ok really... I'm reading conflicting reports on caffeine consumption during pregnancy. Obviously I don't want to take anything that would harm or be a risk to the baby. But this is ridiculous. In emergencies like this where I need to stay awake one more hour to get through the @##$#$#ing work day, is it so bad to have one teensie-weensie coffee? I haven't had one in 10 weeks. Wahhh.


shenry said...

I'm no doctor... so don't pay any attention to what I say next.

I bet a cup of java every now and again isn't going to hurt anything. Hell, people smoke through their pregnancies, booze it up, guzzle coffee, and their babies turn out healthy. I mean, it's good to be careful and take extra precautions, but we're a fairly resilient species. Also, to what extent do you want to fret about the baby? Have you given up sugar? I've heard excess sugar during pregnancy could cause insulin problems. Are you eating enough protein? I've heard protein is essential for fetal brain development.

I guess what I'm getting at is you could stress out about every little detail in your life with regards to the pregnancy. Or you can focus on the big picture and say, "Moderation." A cup of coffee here or there. A glass of wine in social situations. That's still responsible.

But once again, I'm not a doctor and I've never been pregnant so what do I know?

Krista said...

Good points shenry. Moderation is where it's at. And it sounds like you know more than me about this whole thing--insulin problems, fetal brain development? Yikes. I've not thought that far to the baby yet, I'm just trying to eat what will stay down, so we both don't starve. ha. ha... Seriously though, what kinds of food are good sources of protein and "simple"... I can't do fish if that has protein. I'm totally clueless in nutrition stuff. *Hanging my head in shame*

Anonymous said...

Make sure you get plenty of calcium. My wife couldn't look at milk without throwing up, so she had to take these calcium chews. And yes, sometimes she ahd to cave and drink a little caffine too. I don't think once ina while is going to hurt the baby.

Krista said...

I don't do dairy, unless I have some cheese... so I've been taking calcium vitamins... the swallow whole kind, but I dont' know that my body absorbs them that well. Calcium chews sound much better.