Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, January 06, 2006

If only time would speed up for 2 hours...

It’s friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday friday!

2 hours left of work and then I get to go home with a mondo paper cutter that I’m borrowing from work and absolutely drown in invitation snippings. Tom has to work tonight. And tomorrow too. Pout. But I am so thankful that he works so hard.

Oh! Before I drown in invitation snippings, we are going to our “ring guy” to see if he has anything we like… I could (fingers crossed) go home tonight with a ring on my finger. Woo hoo!! I’m really glad I get to pick my ring… because let’s face it, I’m picky.

Last night I woke up to go pee and then I came back and Tom was snoring. I woke him up and told him to stop, but how can he? He breathes about five times as he’s falling back asleep and then whhhhhhhhhhhoooooooonkkkk….fweeeeeeee.

And repeat, till I was almost yelling at him to stop. Instead he got up and slept the rest of the night on the futon. I should have been the one who slept on the futon. I feel bad about that. Sorry slonko. :*

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