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Sunday, January 01, 2006

A day like today

Today is one of those days where I miss him even though he was right here. I was sitting in his lap, my face tucked against his neck, and I missed him, felt alone. He held me, but the touch didn't penetrate deep enough. I hate days like that.

He left an hour ago to visit his parents. I feel too crappy to leave the apartment, so I went to bed, but I've been really parched lately, so I ended up getting up after an hour of tossing and turning and ate a bunch of orange sherbet. Now I'm going to be able to sleep. Ha.

We had our Christmas on New Years Eve morning. It was lovely. He received a Starbucks gift card from my parents and a Jimi t-shirt from my brothers. I got him a soft long-sleeved shirt like this one he bought for himself a while ago that he loves wearing cuz it's so soft and warm. I also got him the three Beverly Hills Cop movies and a new travel coffee mug. And some chocolate covered pear pieces and Christmas boxers. We watched the first 2 of those movies that day and it was such a treat to sit with him and a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie that wasn't overloaded on gross sex or violence stuff. The first movie is definitely the best, I think. And it was interesting to hear in the cast interviews that they really had fun making that movie. And Sylvester Stallone was originally going to play Axel Foley. Ha ha! That would have made for a completely different movie! Lots of action, no humour.

Tom got me the Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon CD, 2 For Better or For Worse Books: With this Ring and Reality Check. Those two books are mostly in the timeframe of Mike and Deanna's life that Tom and I are going through right now--getting married and then expecting a baby. I've finished them already. :) He also bought me some purfume--I'm not a big scent scent person, but it has a nice smell to it. And, a Vote for Pedro shirt. I'm still trying to figure that one out. :)

We got to the yearly New Years party after 11 p.m. because someone tried to light the fence behind our apartment on fire and Tom saw the fire in the can burning so he went and told the people who's house the fence belonged to, and they put the fire out then called 911 because cops and fire truck etc came screaming up then someone knocked on our door and Tom asked "who is it" and the answer was "police". Tom had to give a statement on what happened, and then the guy came back again and asked him if he could give the statement again but into a tape recorder.
At the party everyone was drunk and Tom quickly followed suit. I wandered around and avoided (mostly) getting groped until around 2 a.m. Then I insisted we leave. There was this orange floating around with cloves in it, and one of Tom's friends came up to me, put his arm around me and offered me the orange. This guy had already grabbed my ass, so I was pretty sure the orange came with strings attached. He asked me if I knew what it was, I said, "an orange with cloves in it." Hooray for sobriety.

He told me that it was a game. And how it worked was you get the orange and have to pass it to someone of the opposite sex. Then that person takes a clove out with their teeth, chews it, spits it out, and kisses whoever gave them the orange.

I wasn't game. I don't want to ever kiss anyone other than Tom, and I didn't want to take the chance of Tom walking by as his friend was kissing me. The thought of Tom kissing anyone else bothers me, even if it is just a game. So I refused for 5 minutes and he finally relented when Tom showed up. I think he was kind of insulted that I wouldn't kiss him. Well piss off. You're single, I'm not. Go kiss a single chick. Mind you, attached chicks were kissing single chicks and loudly-proclaimed lesbians and other guys all over the place. I was kind of relieved to get out of there. Watching tonsil hockey isn't much fun sober.

Tom and I spent a few hours on NYE at a paper store figuring out what paper and vellum to get for our invitations. And then what size, how many, etc. What a pain. We finally took three sheets to try out ourself. The store offered printing, cutting and hole punching if we wanted ribbon on the invitations, but each service was between 60-100 bucks for 100 invitations. Yeah right! So we are going to do them all ourselves. It will cost about $125 to buy the paper and vellum and envelopes and ribbon, but that's not too bad, considering we would have been paying over twice that to get them to cut and punch the stuff for us.

I picked the wording, typeface and formatting of the invite, and Tom gave some suggestions for tweaking the spacing, wording etc. We picked the paper and vellum together (I love how they are both textured the same) and when I asked how to add a bit of something to it, the lady at the store suggested this sparkly/translucent ribbon, which works perfectly. It's subtle but gives a nice finishing touch to a very simple invite. And we are doing the ribbon without hole punches--probably just with a bit of glue on the back of the invite, or none at all. We'll see. Surprisingly, one of the most fun parts was all the measuring and calculating so the words are centred on the invite. I'm such a nerd.

Now we just need to print English ones and Polish ones, as well as some inviting a few people to the reception only. We'll see if that turns into a fire bomb.

Looks kinda crappy because I brushed out some details, but you still get the idea.


Anonymous said...

vote for pedro...from napoleon dynamite. its a weird ass movie, but definaitly funny.

missed you.

Starling said...

one of the pins on my cd book says that :) I'd vote for him,hehe

Getting groped by drunk guys sucks. At least tom bailed ya out from that odd orange and clover totin guy.

(pretty invitations btw!)

shenry said...

Beverly Hills Cop is totally under-rated. That movie is great, and II ain't bad either... though I can't seem to recall III.

And Dark Side of the Moon is a classic. I'm kinda shocked that you didn't already have it... you must've had it on cassette or vinyl, right?

And how am I supposed to crash your wedding when you've obscured all the details in the invitation? But really... I like your choice in invitations.

moi said...

am secret avid fan of For Better or For Worse. started when my dad sat on the plane next to Lynn Johnston and she drew this silly little drawing of all the characters in my family.

is the orange and clove thing ... common?

glad to see you had a good break!

JaG said...

Looks lovely.

And here I was thinking I'm the only one who misses her man when he's sitting right next to me. What is that??

Krista said...

ghost: missed you too. yes, weird but funny. still not sure about the shirt though.

iri: thanks! and thanks to tom, too, definitely!

shenry: I agree--the first one is awesome. And noooo prior to this I have never owned anything by Pink Floyd. I'm slowly smartening up though. If you do crash the wedding, I hope you do it in style, like by rapelling down from a helicopter through the church roof in an orange spandex suit right when the minister asks if there is anyone who objects to our union to speak now.. lol

moi: Thats so cool! Does your dad still have the drawing? I think she's absolutely brilliant! I even got my 17 y.o. brother hooked on FBorFW. :) As for oranges and cloves, common as a Christmas decoration, but not as a way to kiss lotsa random people.

jag: i dont know! but I'm glad Tom just lets me crawl into his lap and stay there as long as I want.

shenry said...

Of laughter I am dying here... rapelling from a helicopter... orange spandex... You're damn funny.

Krista said...

why thanks shenry. :)