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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 29, 2005

A departure, a return

I'm back from my 7 day visit with my family 2 days early. I could not spend another day away from Tom. I rarely see my family, and I felt guilty not driving out to Kicking Horse with them, but it would have made for a 10+ hour drive home, and I knew I wouldn't be up to it--crossing the Rockies in the dark. Alone.

As it was, just coming back from Silver Star I missed the highway I was supposed to cross the mountains on, and ended up on a no-name twisty fuckwit of a highway that led me I have no idea where for 3 hours before plopping me out onto a recognizable highway 1 1/2 hours from home.

So, I'm home. Time with the family was too rushed--drove down South on the 24th, wrapped gifts, helped with the Christmas dinner.

25th: opened presents, washed my car, got ready to leave for Silver Star.

26th: 13 hours of mostly driving to get from their home to our hotel.

27th: woke up at 6:45 to go snowboarding. Rode for half the day, wedding planned with my mom for the other half.

28th: rode again for half a day, did more wedding planning, said bye to family in parking lot and began gruesome 6 1/2 hour drive home in snow, rain, fog and dark on unfamiliar crap highway. Got home, Tom gave me a big hug, helped me unload my car, and then we had the most amazing *wow* before going to sleep. He's delectable.

Now I have 6 days to unwind before heading back to work. I got our marriage license today. Whew. And I bought the last of the gifts I wanted to get Tom. We are going to do our Christmas on Saturday morning I think.

There are quite a few presents for me under the tree... :) If I can find the digital camera in this pit of an apt., I'll upload some pics of, among other things, my kick-ass new snowboard.

Our Christmas tree with droopy lights:

My new Never Summer Infinity snowboard:
Books I received for Christmas:
Matter poems by Dan Brown
Digital Fortress by Dan Brown
The Little Prince
Chinese Cooking for Dummies (mmmm)
Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing

Stockings received from my godmother. Her sister handmade them. Sweet eh?


Anonymous said...

great to have you back! Happy late Christmas.

shenry said...

Sweet. Sounds like Christmas was good.

bedshaped said...

That snowboard rocks!

Starling said...

Merry christmas and Happy New Years!