Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Umm... no.

Her: Hi, this is Bertha calling from Yadda Yadda Chapel about your wedding tomorrow. We're wondering if you'd still like the Christmas decorations up?

Is it too late to elope?


Madamme said...

You're not getting married tomorrow! What a bunch of lunatics!

Krista said...

I know! First they lost the reservation so I had to reserve again, then they put my new reservation in the wrong month.

Not stressing is getting to be a difficult task!

shenry said...

Hi, this is Bertha from Yadda Yadda Chapel about your canonization tomorrow. We're wondering if we could substitute your sacrificial chicken with a sacrificial goat? The chickens are just too fast for Igor to catch.

moi said...

christmas decorations at your wedding?? people can be so out of it. i noticed that my local starbuckies ALREADY has valentine's day decorations up.

please, i've hardly gotten through my christmas chocolate stash!!

Krista said...

shenry: ha! thanks for the laugh. Poor Igor. A goat will do just fine.

moi: I've seen valentine's stuff up too. Pfft. Just wait till the day before and prices will be slashed. Better yet, celebrate the day late (if you do celebrate it) and you are guaranteed to get clearance discounts on it all.

That really cheezed me off this year--I buy stuff ahead of time, then there it is 3 days before christmas at less than 1/2 of what I paid for it originally.

I actually returned a starbucks travel mug I got tom, because I initially paid 20 bucks for it, and then after christmas I saw it for 7.50. Unfortunately, the 20 bucks refund was given to me in a store credit. Pfft.