Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back in time: 10 days after we met

From: supertomek
Sent: January 20, 2004
To: phx

hey sunshine :)

u know what - u gotta teach me more of these cutesy pet names, cause i never learned them in english - my 2 xgf's were polish :(
and i'd like to be able to call u lots and lots of all kinds of wonderful, cute-as-hell, silly and sweet things :) hmm - maybe start with the ones u like best..?

its 1:15 and i'm still at the comp... :(
i was trying to burn this track onto a cd to free up space on my hard drive, but the track was too long to fit by a mere 24 seconds or so, so then i went to edit it and while it was doing its thing, taking a veeeeeeery long time, i was also trying to listen to some tracks that i'd d/l'd a while back, to weed out the crappy ones and free up some more space, all the while trying to write&send my cousin in spain a belated happy b-day email, so that i could finally get to writing u this email, but i guess i seriously overloaded the system (oh, i was also reading up on these 2 super sporty cars being released this year (tho they're 2005 models), one by mercedes and one by ford (u gotta tell me where got ur interest in cars; and howcome u know all these dog breed names :D)), b/c i finally got these warnings popping up on the screen, saying that my hd is severily low on memory, so i went and turned on the disk clean-up utility - and thats when the audio editor that was trying to save the edited track crashed. anywho - lots of screwing around and as a result i'm cutting into my sleep time AGAIN with negligible benefits - if any. i should have just stayed on the phone with u - at least that would have been time well spent :)

so, hopefully ur reading this in the morning, well rested and with a biiiig smile on ur pretty lil' face :)
i hope everything goes nice and sweet for u today - no traffic and no hassles of any kind. and if someone gives u grief just lemme know where to find them ;)
awrite - going beddy now :)


:-*! :-x! and xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo :)

1 comment:

shenry said...

It's cool that you still have stuff like that. You should make a scrap book for Tom as a wedding present, with pictures, notes, emails, ticket stubs, etc.