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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A dizzy dumb day

I think I'm actually going to be relieved to go back to work. I'm tired of being at home by myself. I haven't seen Tom in eleven hours and I'm not used to having to entertain myself for this long. Not that I didn't run around a lot today. I did. I refuse to pay 35c per envelope for our invitations so I tried to find the size at Staples at London Drugs but no luck. Piss. I bought the paper and vellum for our invitations and - - CRAP I was supposed to print a bunch of that out today so I can cut it at work tomorrow - - I went to get the matching ribbon we found and they are all like hee hee oops we are out of it and have none in stock. Why the fuck would you suggest it to me if you have no back stock. You knew I'd need about 50 yards. Grrr. So then I had to go to a crafty store and it hypnotized me. All the stickers, and stamps and confetti and fake flowers and ribbon ribbon ribbon. I found one finally almost the same as the one I got from the stupid store, but not as shiny/sparkly. Damn. Oh well. Probably cheaper.

Um then I came home and read almost all of Digital Fortress. The entire book takes place in one day. And one of the characters spent that day in Spain. He was in Seville. I was in Seville this summer. I recognized some of the places he talked about.

Back to Tom... he's working late which means he's going to be really tired when he gets home, but I'll be really excited when he gets home because he's home. Then 2 hours later he'll wake up and be ready to get some stuff done and I'm going to be all snozzzzz because it's after 9p.m. And I was going to go get groceries because I really like cold cereal and we are out of gingerale but I'm feeling really dizzy and light-headed even though I ate about 5 hours ago. I should make some popcorn with lots of butter and salt but I don't like having loud noises on when I'm alone in the apartment. I don't like showering alone in here either. And I really don't like being alone here when it's dark. Guess it's a fear I never conquered.

I'm hoping Tom calls soon to say he's coming home. Maybe he'll bring me some poutine. I have no money and am not getting paid till the 15th which is kind of scary. I wish I knew why I was so dizzy...
I've just been looking through some old pictures on Tom's computer (that's him and his bro--Tom is the one w/o the hat on) and there he was with his mullet, his loooong hair, and then pictures from Christmas 2003--and I realized that that is when he and I started getting to know each other; we didn't meet until Jan. 2004... but I look at him in those pictures, as the guy I had yet to meet, and it was a weird feeling. But I liked it.

And I love him. I can't wait till he's home...


Starling said...

I've had that weird feeling too.. And I couldn't help but wonder if we'd been always destined to meet and in those pictures we were just yet waiting unknowing to find the other. Or you just wish that you Had known them in that moment just because they mean so much to you now.
..I haven't seen Any pics of my guy other then ones we've taken. I'm DYIN to get my hands on some! (hehehe)

shenry said...

Kill some time by cranking Dark Side of the Moon. And just lie on your back in the middle of your living room floor and soak it up.

Anonymous said...

or get totally addicted to the entire first season of lost on dvd. i just did.

Anonymous said...

btw. lovin the snowflakes.

moi said...

nice bulls.

kid pics are always so great. I finally saw some of sweet K over the holidays... although I'm shielding mine from sight!