Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 26, 2006

And suddenly it doesn't seem so bad...

I received a letter today while eating my lunch. It was addressed "Phx Illated. Private".

Hm, thought I, This could be good, or, as my first thought was, flashing back to the probation letter a co-worker of mine received recently, very bad.

Am I going to ruin my lunch opening a potentially gut-emptying letter?

Hell yeah.

Dear Phx:

I have reviewed the scale of wages in the company as well as the work you perform.
I have the pleasure to increase your wages to $xx,xxx starting as of February 1, 2006.
Keep up the good work.

With kind regards

El Presidento

Now, my raise isn't as impressive as Shenry's 18%er, in fact, it's less than half of that. But it comes 6 months after being fully hired, when I had heard before that I won't get a raise till I've been there a full year. Cha-ching!

A ring and a raise, all in under 24 hours. Sweet.


shenry said...

Congratulations. Good timing for a raise, eh? Does this entice you to keep working for your company?

And that 18%er of mine will, most likely, never be duplicated.

supertomek said...

actually, when i was first hired by the comp i'm still working for, i was started at $10/hr. after 3 months i got $12 - thats 20%! man, now that i think about it, that wasnt too shabby, but on the other hand, it was still crappy money :)the next raise was also $2, but this time that meant 16.7%, then 14%, then 12.5%. now i'm waiting till these dadgum projects are done, so i can comfortably ask for a raise. just hope i dont mess them up too much :o

Mindy said...

Whooo-hoo! Congrats (big grin)

moi said...


good work on the raise. and you didn't need to beg and plead like I did! (I got a 10% raise). your way is much more humble.

Anonymous said...

what are these raise of which you speak? you mena to say im supposed to be getting paid for my job? wtf?

Krista said...

shenry: hmm... well the smoker being away for three weeks helps, too!

tomek: :PPPPPPPPPPP i hope you get those projects done soon... it'd be sweet for both of us to go into this family thing making more money. :D

mindy: yep, big grin indeedy. tho i'm not saying boo to anyone here about it. i just grin away and they can wonder wtf. hehehe.

moi: i shoulda begged and pleaded for more to start when the offered me the job. it's good to be assertive rather than waiting for them to make the move... but the humble approach can work well to, especially when others in the office are loud braggy know-it-alls. eh. office issues. i think i just typed in a complete circle.

ghost: your payment is higher than money--you are nurturing and enlightening young minds. at the very least, the world needs more artists!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! On both the raise and the ring.

ghost: What we get paid only SEEMS like it isn't money, because it's such a small amount.

Anonymous said...
