Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ring ring

Ever since my blow up about the number of guests Tom's mom wanted to invite to the wedding, I've had this slight fear that I might become an overbearing ogre of a girlfriend/wife. Rings has been our next obstacle, and I've done my best to be accommodating to his wants, I want him to like his wedding band. He wanted yellow gold, I wanted white gold. He wanted to wear our bands on our right hand (tradition in some European countries. The band is moved to the left hand when the person is widowed.), I wanted to wear my rings on my left hand, since that's the only way I've ever known.
At first we were totally divided on the left hand/right hand conundrum, but ever since last night, I think we've officially decided that the left hand is okay. What I'd like to do is get secondary bands for our right hand at some point down the line. That's what a friend of his did, and I like the idea.
Tom and I have very different tastes when it comes to a lot of things...

Him: spicy food, Jimi Hendrix, techno, tie-dye
Me: spicy food is evil, Bruce Springsteen please, classic rock, *shudder*

And i found it very sweet when Tom insisted that we have matching wedding bands. I totally agree with this, but quickly realized it is going to be an impossible task because our tastes are so different, plus mine would have to somehow compliment my engagement ring. He wanted a two-toned patterned ring, and I did like some of the patterned ones, but I only wanted white gold. I don't like yellow gold at all. I thought we could get a similar simple style, only his would be yellow and mine white, but that didn't seem to work either....

* * *

We've gone around and around on this issue, and when Tom ordered the bands last week, he ordered 2 matching 19k white gold bands. Mine is 3mm his is 7mm thick but other than that, they match perfectly. Yay!

And yes, I'm trying not to feel guilty that we got the rings that I liked best. Sigh.


moi said...

i've always liked the right-hand tradition. my euro roots too, i guess.

but, I'm completely with you on the two-toned stuff. sometimes it can look funny on a girl.

Anonymous said...

luckily neither amy or i like yellow gold. i bought her a white gold band. we talked about matching rings for a while but the reality is im not much for jewelry and im extremely rough on my hands. in the end, i bought a titanium ring. its the same color as her ring but durable enough to withstand the whirlwind that is Ghost.

Anonymous said...

i said band but i meant a three stone emerald cut work of divine beauty.

Krista said...

moi: my beef with it was that it wouldn't register to anyone else that we are married. and i know it doesn't really matter if anyone else knows, but i'd like to show off that i'm married in a way people can understand. and I want all the single chickie-poos to know Tom is taken. tee hee.

ghost: we thought about getting tom some kind of carbide something or other that would be much more durable, but a) he can't wear jewelery to work anyway because he works with electricity and b) it cost 2x what his white gold band cost. your wife's band sounds gorgeous. i love emeralds.

moi said...

phx: good point. baring your teeth and snarling at other 'women' gets tiring, no?

ghost: holy bring-out-the-big-uber-ring-configuration. nice use of technical jargon.