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Friday, January 27, 2006

And so it goes

Yeah, so last weekend we (along with my maid of honur) found out that my maid of honour's 26 year old son is a crack addict.

Fast forward to today and it looks like the pianist might bail.

Shoulda known.I'm not feeling negative about this though. Just de-ter-mined. We know a guy who's a better pianist than him, but up till now that other guy wasn't invited to the wedding. The current pianist has only learned 2 of the 3 songs and only 30 seconds of the song I'm walking down the aisle to. He's telling me to "walk fast". The fuck I will.

Phx: seriously, either you are going to be able to do it or you aren't.... if you dont think you'll have time that's fine, just let us know now.

Dude: well, like I said... I'll have something for friday... we won't know if its enough until you start walkin down the isle [sic]...

Phx: You've got to be kidding. You can't learn more of it to be safe?

Dude: heh heh... well... i guess i can... or i can fudge it..

Dude: relax, it'll be fine...

Dude: gotta go now... hittin the gym. ttyl

Phx (thinking): How about hitting the @@$%#!#$!#@$!@#$ piano?


Starling said...

He doesn't sound like much of a professional. (Hope you're not payin him much!) I'd find somebody else.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

angels have issues but they are missing the black voice

moi said...

errr, I agree with eveningstar... sounds a little sketchy.

tmfrt said...

eee... that's ridiculous. I think I would start to get a little stabby if someone said that to me. =|