Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, January 27, 2006

You know that feeling... when some people just really get on your nerves and try as you may to rise above it all they just get to you? I hate that. And it happened today. The same old thing if I dare open my mouth:

Phx: "..." (not talking to FT)

FT: "--well MY friend blah blah BLAH.... blah blah blah blah...... BLAAAAAAAAAAAAH"

Phx: *exits room*

And the she and this other chick used to tell me nasty shit about each other all the time, and now they are always whispering shit at each other, glancing at me, dutifully not-successfully-ignoring them.

Am I jealous? No. I feel duped. I should have never been stupid enough to try to be friendly with either of them in the first place. Sometimes I never learn.

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