Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, January 30, 2006

Typical, isn't it?

Email just recieved:

Hey Sweetpea,

I miss you, let me just get that out of the way. I think of you quite a bit these days. In a nutshell, I have finally severed the relationship which nearly killed me the past three years.

I am desperate to be near you, hear your sweet voice fall upon my ear. If it is at all possible I would dearly enjoy visiting you or spending time here with you. Please feel free to call, I have the time now to talk. I would have called you last night but I dont have your number.

anxiously awaiting,



Madamme said...

Yes! It IS typical. When I got engaged I had certain boys from my past come crawling out of the woodwork. I loved playing along for a few days - E-mailing back and forth, me not mentioning being engaged or even dating anyone. Then, one day when they brought up "getting together" I would SLAM them back into reality and say that my "fiancee" wouldn't appreciate me meeting men from my past.

You tell that lost boy to take a hike and REALLY get lost. It's amazing how he can't make time for YOU when you would like, but that he demands your time when he feels like it.

Some boys (not all) are really stupid.

tmfrt said...

I agree with phoe... lost_boy needs a lesson. I remember staying up all night one night, going through 10 rounds with an ex, talking him through the fact that I was not in love with him, and that he was a desparate fool, and that he needed to cut me off, like a bad cancer from his life... lol... in the past, he'd sweetalk me into going back for more, but I finally reached a point where I realized it was completely over, and I needed him removed from my life. You have become a stronger person since you knew him, and have moved on, and he definitely needs to know.

Some boys just can't let go... not without some really harsh lessons.

Starling said...


Holy crap.

(listen to the above, I'm too stunned!)

Anonymous said...

and be up front with tom about this guy too. right after amy and i started dating this guy started calling her all the time. an ex, you know. i dint say much about it though i could tell what this guy was about. rigth after we got married he called and told her he was still in love and wanted to know, even though he knew we were married, if he still had a chance. she told me about it immediatly, but if i had fond out about this later i would have been pissed at her and him.

this is why i dont talk to exes. always lookin to mess up my present.

shenry said...

You gotta be kidding. This dude is wacked. You should knock him down hard for two reasons: (1) You're engaged, and pregnant, and have a wonderful Tomek. This guy can't come poking around and disrupting your life on a regular basis. (2) It'll feel good.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the Shenster. You gotta put him down, not only do you need to, it will feel good. It's not your fault you're in a better place then him. And what a jerk ass for pulling some shit like that.

Krista said...

I was listening to Bruce Springsteen last night.

He's going down, down, down, down...

More later...

shenry said...

There better be more later. I want to see your response email in its entirety.

moi said...


why is it that they always come creeping back?? toss you away like a shoe then beg to be near you years later.

I really just don't get it.

best to be honest with superT, too.

Krista said...

Honest I am. He reads my blog, and while I didn't mention this last night because my dad spent the night, I'm sure he'll know tonight. And he'll know how I responded, too. (The above pic/post.)