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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Progress made

Our reception hall is finally booked. We’d actually viewed this one a couple of weeks ago, but held off reserving it until we’d booked a few more. It’s in an older building, and Tom had some concern that it would look dingy as a reception hall, but I have faith in old places. Give them the right decorations and voila! They are beautiful. The total bonus with this place is that it is a) big with high ceilings b) cheap cheap CHEAP c) we can decorate the night before at our leisure. That is totally going to make the wedding day easier; because we won’t have to have people madly rushing over during the photo taking to decorate before Tom and I arrive. Plus, we’ve decided our pics are going to be more throughout the day, not a big exhausting 2-hour shoot before the reception.

We found a Polish caterer, and Tom is going to handle that—see if she’s available, etc. I hope she is. We’ve heard her food is good and her prices are totally reasonable.

For the cake, we are thinking of having one with a waterfall of fruit—so 2 tiers one higher than the other and the higher one set back from the other and somehow have the fruit covering the tops and running down the sides.

In other news, last night Tom said to me, “What would you think about moving to Edmonton (Alberta)?”

And you know what? The thought excited me. I’ve been thinking for a while about moving out of the city—we could actually buy an affordable place, I think it’s nice to raise kids in a more rural area, and his brother already lives out there, so we could see him more, and because of the oil sands I’ve heard there is a lot of work out there. Tom could make more money than he’s making now, he has his TQ in alarms, and a certificate in electronic communications.

The only thing I have a concern with is that we’d be farther from my family (until they move up here). So I said I wouldn’t want to move till after we have the baby because it’ll be harder to see them as often if we move to Edmonton. And I’d like them to have time to spend time with us and the baby, as much as possible.

But timing the jobs, the purchase of a place, finding out if I could get EI for maternity leave in a different province… all that will have to wait till after the wedding and maybe till after I feel more ready and prepared to have this baby.

But whatever happens, I know my life with Tom is going to be exciting, fulfilling and great! I love being with someone who has so many interests and passions and is ready to get out there and live a full, vibrant life. And I'm so thankful that we are on the same page that marriage is a lifetime commitment and we have the love and the ability and the drive for it to last for the rest of our lives.


bedshaped said...


Merry Christmas Phx and Tom.

shenry said...

Good stuff. It sounds like things are rolling.

Also, I dig the template change. It's a bit Denver Bronco... excellent.

Krista said...

bedshaped: thanks. Happy Holidays to you too.

girl: :) the other stories on your site were a hoot, too. I guess it happens everywhere. And yes, exciting times are ahead.

shen: yep, slowly but surely. And thanks! I go tired of it being one flat page. Broncos play... baseball, right? ;)