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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I did myself proud today

I sent that email to that girl, and she replied in a very non-throwing-her-weight-around way:

You do not need to worry this is the season of giving not getting! It is a little something kind of like a combo congrats and Christmas gift. Nothing extravagant or over the top, I totally understand your need for cutting expenses I would do the same in your position. Do not feel that you need to give me something in return there is no need that is not what this season is all about.

Sweet. And I moved into a completely different office today to get away from the smoke. Calling the powers that be is the next step but for now, I just made a pretty bold statement I think. The VP noticed my old desk was cleared off today and he said, "What? She's gone?" And the sales manager said "No, she just moved to X's desk because of the smoke". Then the VP came down the hall to where I am now and said, "So you liked the smoke so much you moved eh?" I said "yep" And he said "That's good, you look healthier already."

He hates the smoke too, but just like everyone else, they won't do anything about it. But because I've made the most obvious protest, I have to wait till the attention is offa me before I make the next move. Heh.

Tom is in a good mood tonight; I think it's because I gave him chocolate. We are going to visit his parents tonight and set up their new computer. I want to go so I can make sure he leaves at a decent hour and they don't keep him there until 2 a.m. doing stuff for them. I'm all for helping out, but within reason.

I've added 2 new blogs to my who's who list: Honey High and The Empty Sky Check them out. If you go to The Empty Sky, read her story in progress, Revising Grace>. I'm addicted to it. And Moi over at Honey High is just a complete sweetheart.


Mindy said...

Glad Work Girl seemed actually sincere and it didn't turn into an awkward mess. Happy that you moved AWAY from the smoke too, don't want the little bean coughing already.

moi said...

aw, shucks phx, that just made my day!!

and good for you in getting away from the smoke. sometime you have to take things into your own hands, especially when it comes to you and your bean's health.


shenry said...

Seems like things with work-girl went smoother than I expected.