Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 23, 2005


Normally I don't go on hiatus from this blog, not on weekends, or holidays. But this holiday is going to be different, because I won't be at my parents or my place. I'll be at Big White and Kicking Horse. Ooh yeah!!

Tom got ahold of the caterer last night, and she's available for our day. Yay! I thought there would be more Polish food on her menu, but I suppose to stay in business in an area where there is only 1 Polish restaurant, she has to offer mostly generic food. But we'll be able to have some perogies there in any case. Tom wants tripe soup too, but I don't know about that...

My wedding invitations are almost finished. I'm designing them, and then we'll get the paper and take them to the printer. Yay!

I still have Christmas shopping to do for my middle brother--a portfolio for his photography. And that should about cover everyone. Except the one more something-something I have to get for Tom before we do our Christmas at New Years.

Half day today at work, and then we go for lunch at a very high-end restaurant where the owner will cook our meal before our eyes. The food there is beyond anything I've ever eaten... yum!! I just hope my tummy is fine for the meal.

Then I'll be dashing off to buy new tires for my car, portfolio for brother, find 40 hours of good books on tape at the library, and pack, and be in bed by 8 so I can get up at 4 and make it down there before noon since we are having our Christmas meal on the 24th this year.


Well, everyone, I wish you all a fantastic relaxing or exciting holiday season (whichever you prefer), and best wishes for the new year!


p.s. Thanks to Shenry for the snow!


moi said...


have a fantastic time in the snow. you completely deserve some time off!

happy snow angel making!

Mindy said...

Happy Holidays to you too!! Love the snow graphics :)

Safe traveling to you and Tom.

Anonymous said...

where all the tapping will begrin

tmfrt said...

Have a great time... enjoy every minute!! Merry Christmas & happy new year. :)

Phil Plasma said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!!

shenry said...
