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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

How can I not be disgusted?

When I read something like this that describes something so similar to what I've gone through, but have used cal-mag and exercise to cure? Now they are linking it to debilitating psychiatric disorders, prescribing drugs for it and calling it a syndrome? Bah.

Psychiatry: crippling society, one label at a time.


shenry said...


Anonymous said...

I completely understand. Nowadays it's easier to say here is a pill, it'll fix everything. That seems to be our culture these days. Quick fixes, and the path of least resistance. It is much like ADHD and the like. Yes, there are kids who have a legitimate problem, but many more who just need an ass whipping at home. But, I'm gonna stop before I get on my soapbox. But I do agree with you.

Krista said...

Matherly: Please do get up on your soapbox--I'm interested in hearing what you have to say about this sort of thing.