Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A moment of Joy

On Sunday night I meandered from the aisles of the grocery store toward the check-out counters. I passed by the flower department and remembered all the times that Tom had surprised me with flowers—and I decided to return the favour. I picked out the most colourful bouquet I could find, and drove home feeling all giddy inside.


He was off doing a side job when I got home, so I had time to prep dinner and do some tidying so that I could surprise him with flowers and dinner when he came home.


I heard his key in the lock, and as soon as he opened the door I said, "wait, don't come any farther!"


He obliged, and stood in the front hall, looking away from the kitchen. I scooped up the still-wrapped flowers, and ran over to stand in front of him. His eyes were still closed, so I held the flowers out in front of me and said "Kocham cie (I love you)!"


He opened his eyes, and I don't think he could believe at first that I'd bought him flowers. He had a look of childlike joy on his face, and said, "For me?" Then he hugged me and hugged me and told me that this was the first time anyone had bought him flowers.


I watched him unwrap them, trim them and set them in our vase. I watched him set them on the table and admire them, and realized that the simplest actions do bring the greatest joy.   


tmfrt said...

That is TOO SWEET... :)

Mindy said...

That is awesome. You guys are so sweet!! Of course, I am in love with love right now :)

Anonymous said...

That is VERY sweet. You know it's funny. you wouldn't think guys would like flowers, but it's more about the gesture than anything. And you are right, sometimes the smallest comments or gestures, can have the biggest impacts. Think about when someone makes an offhand comment like "That shirt looks great on you." Next time your looking at your closet deciding what to wear, you see that shirt, and think, yeah this shirt looks nice on me. It can be a lasting effect.

Anonymous said...

sometimes a hug and a smile can melt away all the bs of a day.