Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 21, 2005

The games continue

UB: I take it you did not bring a lunch today?

Phx: No I didn't.

UB: I brought one and I am really hungry cause I skipped breaky.  I am going to eat at my desk today.

Phx: Cool

UB: I am in a really bad mood today so I will not be good company, I still have my headache!

That was a curveball, but a good one. Nothing's changed. Nothing will. Maybe she'll get it eventually. She keeps walking by and looking at me, but I'm focused on my computer screen. Stupid *^^%^&%^&%$ office shit. Stupid %$^&^&#%^&% windows instead of walls.
I just want to go home and clean. How weird is that. Lately, cleaning and doing dishes have become theraputic for me.

Some downtime with Tom would be nice too... but he works so hard, so much, and when he gets home I'm so tired.

Maybe tonight.

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