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Monday, November 21, 2005

I. am. overwhelmed

I am. There is no room for all this crap in my head. How do people have time to sit on their couches and pet their cats, read a book, or watch tv for crap's sake?? I don't get it.

I get home, I'm tired, I throw in a load of laundry. The bed isn't made. Dishes aren't done. Tom is tired, he's showering. I'm making jell-o and chicken teriyaki, and then when the laundry is done I am going grocery shopping and then I'm going to prep food for lunches so we aren't wasting a bunch of money on lunches. And it smells like eggs where I am sitting right now.

My life was full before, now it is exploding. I hope a lot of people can help me out because I cannot do all this and be a happy girlfriend to Tom who definitely deserves a calm, loving girlfriend and not one who cries when the iron cord won't stay tied around the iron.


I think we have four bottles of pickles in our fridge.

And my African violet is dying, my guinea pig won't stop squeaking, we have too much stuff.

And I can't figure out what to cut out of my life. I really can't. I should be able to simplify my life, but there is just stuff to get done and it never gets done.

Plus, I'm faced with the knowledge that I may now have to quit my job because the pres won't stop smoking in the office.

What a grand fucking time to quite caffeine and alcohol.

I love Tom, and I'm happy with him, but I just wish the spinning around this way and that would stop.

When can I get off?


Anonymous said...

It's weird that you should write that you feel overwhelmed. I have been feeling the same way lately. The way I have found to deal wiht it, is just let it go. I seriously just quit worring. Which is NOT what I'm used to doing. If everything overtakes me, then oh well, can't be any worse than worring ALL the time, which is what I was doing. Relax. Breathe. Let it go. Hang in there......

Anonymous said...

I think there's something in the water.

we're all going to be okay.

Mindy said... alcohol or caffeine. Not wanting to be around smoke. Could this be clues to the Phoenix news???? :))))

Anonymous said...

so heres the cookies, darlin.

it just gets worse. and you will keep getting overwhelmed until the moment you realize all that stuff that needs to get done, doesnt.


it will still be there later. and thats okay. were running the marathon, not a sprint. it doenst all need to be done right now. do what you can, when you can. otherwise, dont stop enjoying the moments. life with two two year olds has taught me this.

Krista said...

matherly: i wish I could let some of this stuff go---but deadlines are attached to all of them, and responsibilities and people counting on me. So, too often I find it's the fun stuff, like getting back into my charcoal, that gets pushed aside. But I'll try not to worry as much--stress is not healthy.

Kat: :) I think you're right... and we probably all will be okay. Eventually.

Mindy: Hmmm... :))))

Ghost: "All the stuff that needs to get done, doesn't." I'll remember that. "Don't stop enjoying the moments." That too... words of wisdom. thank you.

tmfrt said...


Winters bring about these chaotic days somehow... hostilities rising around you... can't help feeling hostile yourself... things break, need fixing; things need to be done; little time to breathe...

The way I cope is escaping. By driving, writing, or listening to music - any time alone I can get. It's really a mental task, pushing everything and everyone away and thinking with your own brain about your own problems, not allowing anything else to seep in for a few blessed moments during the day.

And then, you inevitably need to return to reality. So ghost is right; don't forget about the "moments"... never forget... 'cos you'll be most miserable when you do (I know I am)...