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Sunday, November 20, 2005

I feel like a cheater

But I can't say why. For one reason. I'll tell in a week. Hell it'll probably leak out before that, but at least I'm trying. I feel like I'm cheating you--all of you have become my friends, which might seem strange, but when I really think about it, you all know more about me than most people I'm "freinds" with in person. So there it is. The reason why I can't say for another week is because there are others who I have to tell first--at least, I feel I owe it to them to tell them first.

And the last bit I'll say about it all is that I'm going to be asking for a lot of advice from all of you in the next while--so please don't go anywhere!!! *smiles*

And please don't guess because then it'll be all the more hard for me to keep my mouth--I mean, fingers shut.

Never thought I'd write that to anyone.


Anonymous said...


Mindy said...

Hmmmmm.....(tapping fingers on desk)

shenry said...

Ain't it funny how we can form friendships via the internet that are just as valid as those formed in meatspace?

And don't ask me for advice, I'm about as anti-wise as they come... of course, that self-knowledge doesn't stop me from shooting off at the mouth.

moi said...

curiosity and the cat and all that....