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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 28, 2008

I hope these things only come in 3s

It's Monday.
It's pouring rain.
My husband is pissed off at me.


Phil Plasma said...

Well, things should be better now - it is Tuesday and the rain has stopped. It is just the third thing I'm not sure of.

ghost said...

non writers often do not understand writers. or at least has been my experience. they dont understand how we personofy(sp) abstract ideas such as a muse...

Anonymous said...

Phil: yes the rain has stopped, and that third thing has resolved itself as well.

ghost: well i referred to a real person as my muse... and when i thought how i'd feel if tom referred to someone female he'd been close to as a "muse" i would have felt shitty, too.