Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

there's pot on our coffee table...

but it's not mine. and it's not Tomek's. You see, I had a wee surprise birthday party for him on Saturday night--just 9 of us, but it was good, I think. I think Tomek really enjoyed himself. Turned out 4 of the 9 people that came like to smoke up. I was only aware of 2... at least they did it outside. One guy who was visiting Tom's best man from the UK was quite the roller... nice fat carrot-shaped doobies. Sometimes straight pot, othertimes mixed with tobacco. Wasn't quite the direction I was thinking the party would go, but oh well.

My counter is covered with empty beer bottles, the table cloth, extra forks napkins and plates are still on it... there are still c hairs out in the living room and entirely too much leftover fruit and veggies in the fridge. I didn't plan that--Tomek going away right after the party was over so I'd be left with all the food... oops. Oh well. He got diapers for his birthday--cloth diapers and a little diaper cover. So small. And a t-shirt that reads "Damn right I'm good in bed, I can sleep for days." hehehe....

Last night was pretty horrid, though I did get to talk to him online for a while--he was very tired though, having worked from 2-1030 after flying out there and not having slept at all the previous night. I talked to him briefly online today at lunch and he feels he's falling behind schedule already and is starting to stress. :( Add to that we had some difficulties with our realtor and mortgage person (she terms herself a specialist but I wouldn't go that far). We went back and forth all day yesterday and it looked like the mortgage person wasn't going to be able to get the documentation that the realtor was demanding as proof of financial goodness for another 3 days. Our deadline for subject removal is today, PLUS they are both currently in Toronto so three hours ahead of me. But at the end of the day the mortgage person called me and said she emailed me the documentation which I then called the realtor to tell her and emailed it to her and she said she'd get back to me within the hour to confirm if it was good enough. She never called. She emailed me today and said she thinks its ok but she was going to call the mortgage person again. They were like two cats fighting over catnip or something.. I swear. Women.

So then the realtor called me today later on and said that the mortgage person was putting the owness (?!) on me and Tomek to say whether or not the financing was good because it sounded to her like if our financial situation changed at all they could remove our financing.

I know I didn't tell the mortgage people that I'm on mat leave. They processed our mortgage based on my regular income and tomek's regular income. So then I was worrying that I should tell them about the mat leave and they'd not want to finance us. I saw tomek on line briefly and talked to him about it but he wasn't sure what to do, and really he needs to focus on what he's doing up there. i gotta take care of this down here.

So i called his friend who has gone through 3 mortgages and he said what we did was cool, and not to worry about the mat leave or tell them about it. So I didn't. and i called our realtor and told her it was all good and she's sending the documents to our lawyer today... and in 9 days we could take possession of our first home!

And I also got my EI crap done last night and mailed it off today. And got a storage unit reserved for us for the middle of the month... and called our current landlord and gave notice that we'd be moving out August 31st.

Now I'm going to go watch Erin Brockovich.

Fingers crossed that Tomek is having a better afternoon today and that he can finish on time...

Oh, and I had a midwife appt today and she said the baby is low, but not engaged yet but could come at any time... doesn't really feel like that to me. But I don't have a hospital bag packed yet, so I suppose I should get on that today too... but movie first.


Starling said...

congrats on gettin the house that's great! i would coomment more but my computers been icky lately. oh, and i love that saying on the little tee-shirt, too adorable!

shenry said...

For a non-smoker of ganja, you sure can appreciate a nice roll. It's like you’re a stoner at heart but not in practice. And I mean that as a compliment. The world would be a better place if everybody were a bit more peaceful and stoner-like.

Also, I hope everything works out with your home. I like the way you took control (while 8-months pregnant) and got everything sorted out while Tomek was away.