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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

and phx is pissed

So I happened to msn the guy that fucked up the piano playing at our wedding so royally, asking him )in what ended up being the final minute of the Poland-Germany game) how long the games go because I thought they should only go 90 min. His response was "god I am so hating you right now." followed by "shut UP!!!!" and a string of snarly mad faces. and "now I'm going to have to watch the replay at 4:30"... more snarly faces. Either he's hating me because I'm of German heritage, or he's hating me because I happened to send him the message just as Germany scored. Maybe the message interrupted his viewing of the game just as Germany scored. That's the only feasible reason I can come up with for why he wrote that, and now why his msn title thing says "gees [sic... dumbass] some people just don't THINK" punctuated with more snarly faces.

Oh, my response to his ranting at me was "blow me. asshole". Then I logged off.

I mean really, hate me all you want, but what kind of fucking dumbass leaves any program running that could potentially interrupt a game that is so important to him? Huh? Dumbass.

It felt good to finally call him something close to what I really think of him. I've been working hard to keep the peace because he and Tomek are buddies, but I really don't give a fuck anymore. I like all of Tomek's friends except this guy. I kind of have a hankering to rip into the guy some more, but what's the point. I understand it was an important moment in an important game for him, but how was I supposed to know he was watching it on something that probably also had his msn on? Why was he available? How was I supposed to know that the game would end at that moment?

Fucking immature to blast someone like that if you ask me.

I am so PISSED OFF right now. GAH!


Anonymous said...

poland lost. sorry tomek. maybe his buddy's bad kharma caused it, eh phx?

Krista said...

yeah maybe! the dude is still pissed, telling everyone "for all you tools out there, i'm working and not watching the game so don't tell me the score".... i guess when i mentioned it was tied THATS what pissed him off. i wonder if i told him that someone scored too... hm... either way, the dude is totally immature that he's go all postal on people because of a soccer match.

Anonymous said...

hell hath no fury like a pregnant woman scorned.

you go get him, phx! Boys like that need to learn.

Phil Plasma said...

He sounds like such a nuisance.