Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, May 29, 2006


I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping she finds a reason to put me on bed rest. I don't feel faint yet today, but I am totally exhausted. My mind feels so sluggish that even the most mundane, repetitive tasks I have to do look challenging. At this point I really don't care about leaving other people here to pick up my work load--I just don't want to feel half-dead anymore. I want to sleep when I feel sleepy and be active when I have the energy to do so. This forced 8 hour day of sitting, typing, clicking, flipping, sorting, filing, keeping eyes open is wearing me down.

At this point I wish I had arranged for my maternity leave to start earlier. I requested that it start two weeks before I'm due because I figured we could use all the money we can get before I'm off work and my income gets chopped in half. But I really don't think I'm up for it. I'm so bloody tired.


moi said...

hope you were able to get some rest...

what did your doctor say??

goblinbox said...

Tired is par for the course. You've got twice the usual amount of blood in your body, you're carrying around a rider the size of a watermelon, and God knows even non-pregnant people need naps.

Hang in there, mama. *hug*