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Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, May 26, 2006


Yesterday afternoon I felt extraordinarily faint at work--I've never fainted in my life. Blacked out once when I got taken out during a basketball practice, but I've never been one to suddenly flop over. But yesterday was something new... I spent an hour sitting at my desk fighting to not faint. I couldn't even drive myself home from work--I had to wait for Tomek to finish a side job and then come and get me. Luckily I found free parking yesterday so my car stayed downtown overnight safely. And now, less than 2 hours into work, the faintness is coming on again. I eat, I drink lots of water, the doctor said my iron levels are fine. I eat even though I don't feel hungry, because maybe everything is so squished now that I am hungry, even if I don't feel hungry. I don't know.

I just called my doctor, and they said to rest. Ok, does that mean leave work to rest, or just rest by sitting at my desk. Because resting while sitting at my desk doesn't help. I can't really elevate my feet, and according to first aid procedures, if someone faints or is feeling faint they should be resting with their head lower than their heart, with their feet elevated. The doctor said to go to the hospital if it gets "worse". What's "worse"? He's the replacement doctor and I don't like him at all--luckily my regular doctor is back next Tuesday when I have an appointment. The receptionist said to rest all weekend and depending on how it is when I see the doctor on Tuesday, she might take me off of work.

Ha HA! I can just imagine how much the shit would fly around here if I was suddenly gone. *poof*

I'm going to try to hang in here to get one thing done, but most likely going to leave early. Only trouble is, I'll have to drive myself home. Can I do that? Yeah, I feel too faint to sit at a desk and work, so I'm going to DRIVE myself home now... I'll tell them Tomek is picking me up I guess.


moi said...

can you leave yet? I'd hate to see any harm come to you because you aren't able to rest properly at your desk. could you take a taxi??

go home and rest, girlie!

Madamme said...

I agree with Moi. . If you feel faint, you need to be laying down. Work can piss off.

And if it does continue, your Dr. is right to have to stay on bed-rest. Your baby is #1.

shenry said...

I know my suggestion is after-the-fact...

Just lay down on your cubicle floor and prop your feet up on your chair or something. If coworkers don't like it then too bad for them. What are they going to do?