Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

phx needs

 ghost tagged me. The instructions were to Google your name + needs, see where it takes you and copy the first ten results. Here goes.

Phx needs bass and drummer.
Phx needs strength next year.
...Phx needs some answers.
Need great Phx people.
Who needs a ride from Phx to San Antonio/TX area?
US Senator Jon Kyl Tells Phx About The Need for Immigration Reform and Improved Border Security.
Desperately need Phx area restaurant.
Need a place to start new in Phx.
Phx needs you.
Phx needs you.

I tag the lily in the valley.


Anonymous said...

i didnt know you were in a band.

Krista said...

Funny, I DO have a drum set, it's just in pieces right now--had to make way for the crib.

shenry said...

This things are so randomly appropriate.

Mindy said...

Never fear, I will respond to my tag when the craziness of work tones down. This is too fun to miss.

Mindy said...

Tis done now :)