Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Counting the minutes till noon when I can crack open a dr. pepper and stop my eyes from crossing, my head from nodding and these damn spot that are swimming in front of my face. I think I'm passing out at work.

 I wish I knew how I was going to get through these final 9 weeks of work, but I don't. I really don't. I have days off and long weekends and doctors appointments spattered throughout the days until july 12th, but the days of work are just… almost beyond what I feel capable of.

I spent a couple of days fixing some computer generated reports, but fucked up some formulas and now I have to redo at least a quarter of the reports. And then there's those other reports where I was told different numbers and at different times WHICH different numbers to use, only getting the correct data at the very end, which meant I redid it 4 times before it might now be vaguely accurate. And with my new-found inability to focus, well, who knows what the numbers really are. But I did check my work… 3 times.

and god I'm loving my long hair today. I love that I can wake up in the morning and my hair doesn't even need to be brushed, it's not oily or greasy or dried out, it's just soft and ready to go, hanging long and loose down my back. And I brought a "beak" clip today (the ones that open and close like a bird's beak without actually clipping shut) so I can twist and twirl my hair up and around and slide the clip in and feel the 12 or so inches of hair that still hangs loose. Clip, unclip, down, up, twirl, tuck, lovely lovely.

Saturday I'm driving South for 4 days… girl time with my mom mostly. Hooray!! Maybe we'll go to the coast…

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