Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 18, 2006

one more time...

Well the dr. pepper has kicked in nicely.

I just discovered some more formula fuck ups and now I get to restart redoing the reports for the 2nd time, only this time it's not just a quarter of them, it's ALL of them. But in my defense, I didn't know about this third type of formula. I found out 3 minutes ago. Nice.

At least I'm not bored.


So you know when you have an Excel file with multiple sheets and you need to make the same changes to each sheet, so you select ALL the sheets and then make the changes and voila done? Yeah... of course. Too bad I forgot. AGAIN.

Guh. I seriously think I'm challenged. Mentally challenged. At least the acrobatics in my tummy keep me smiling.


Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things when Kellie was pregnant, was watching Jay move and kick. Sometimes she'd put the tv remote on her belly and I'd watch it move. It was awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

ive heard that pregnant women sometimes get kind forgetful. dont sweat it. your focus will come back when all your chemicals get righted.

Anonymous said...

where are you?